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Module 2 Video 2 Assignment

Module 2 Video 2 Assignment

Q Introduction to Soc: Video Two Assignment Basics: You are to watch the video linked to below and respond with two paragraphs. WHY: I chose this video for a couple reasons. 1.First, the MAN. James Burke (as you will read in the "sample paper") is an academic idol of mine. He successfully integrates sociology, history, religion, psychology, science, math and more. He's done many publications and videos, and I encourage you to discover more. I mention him in my Teaching Philosophy video and paper below. 2.Second, timing. I think this video is a very good supplement to chapters 2, 3, and more I see a lot of about culture, agents of socialization, etc. in this video. 3.Third, this one is especially good at looking at how sociology theory is applied, or rather misapplied, to "modern" issues based on the whims of a person's ideology. Pay close attention to the second half of the documentary (starting around the 27minute mark). As a matter of fact, one of the great things about him is how he shows that everything is sociological, including science ironically enough. But some of the first half of the video might be a little too into the scientific weeds. If you are not into science, you could skip the first half. This second half is where the application of scientific ideas gets really applied to three key ideas ("alternative facts"). Watch for them. I will be quizzing on them. Don't forget the "Pet peeves" when you do this assignment. Darwin's Revolution DocumentaryLinks to an external site. The a video above was uploaded as a service from your library staff using old DVD's. Sorry, no closed captioning OMG!! I JUST saw this video that speaks to how topical people twisting Darwin is TODAY: Texas Mayor and Social Darwinism Right Wing styleLinks to an external site. Here's some additional personal connections to why I like his work: Click on the link to see an article I wrote. It's both an insight into part of my teaching philosophy, and a bit of a "sample paper". You can see how apa works, a basic cover page, etc., AND an illustration of why I love Mr. Burke Internmentarticle.doc Actions Below is a video I created detailing some of the basics of my teaching philosophy. You will see a lot of these ideas as we go through class, and it includes another reference to Burke.LinkLinks to an external site. Bonus 10 points for watching another Burke video and writing a paragraph. Here's one focussing on how the modern medical scene was created "What the Doctor Ordered" DocumentaryLinks to an external site. Burke is also all over youtube. Here is a youtube link to another of his videos: This is episode 10 of the Day the Universe Changed series "Worlds without end". BTW, before the library did us the service of putting his videos on streaming, this was the video I used in class. It is a nice summary of the ten part series, and it has bad youtube closed captioning. LinkLinks to an external site.

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Charles Darwin is known for “Darwinism”, which is the theory of biological evolution developed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. However, after watching the video, “Darwin’s Revolutionary Documentary” there were a few more interesting points that Darwin had made to help shape our society today. One of them being how American businesses saw things in terms of the Wild west, where you had to be tough and self reliant to stay solvent.